Dr. Bill and Kathy Bacheller

The Bachellers began their missionary careers with TEAM in Trinidad, where they went in August 1981. There they had various ministries; but primarily, Bill pastored a small church and was the director of the Leadership, Instruction and Training School of the Bible, an evening school, where he also taught. He also directed week‑long Bible camps and served on the field council.
In July, 1987, Bill and Kathy joined TEAM’s Brazil field, where they spent their first 18 months studying Portuguese in São Paulo. Since 1989 the Bachellers have lived in Anápolis, a city of 450,000 people located in north central Brazil, 120 miles southwest of Brasília. Bill has invested his life in a number of roles including that of an Old Testament professor, curriculum consultant, rector, director of post graduate studies, and chairman of the missions department at the seminary of the Evangelical Christian Church of Brazil. From 1995 to 2010, Bill has served as chairman of the Brazil ministry area.
Beginning in 1998, Bill has served 7 different Brazilian mission agencies by counseling, evaluating, and teaching new missionary candidates. In 2001, the Brazilian church asked him to establish a program to train pastors of pastors. In 2004, Bill founded MAEB, a Brazilian missionary sending agency, and in 2005 founded Oasis Counseling Center for missionaries, pastors, and lay leaders. In February of 2015 he initiated a second Oasis Counseling Center in Fortaleza, Ceará. Today the combined staff of the two centers is 28 members. He also serves as a consultant to the Baptist Mission Agency, the largest in Brazil.
During previous terms of service, Kathy worked with seminary women, mentoring them in an informal setting, as well as taught English in the classroom. She, along with Bill, co-led a couple’s ministry and directed the choir in their church. She also encouraged Bill by serving as the ministry area bookkeeper and ministering to her five sons and one daughter. The couple is currently heavily involved in the mentoring, teaching, and counseling of Brazilian pastors and missionaries.